
Once the registration is effective there is no refund of the amount paid.

  • After completing the form and submitting it to the site, registration is done manually by the academic services of the Piaget Institute of Viseu, which will then enter your details into the registration platform, which will generate an ATM reference that will be sent to you via email for later Payment within 5 business days. The date of registration is identified with the date of registration on the site;
  • If there is a need an invoice for funding, please send your request to The registration must be made ​​on behalf of the financier (there is a field to identify the participants to put in the distich);
  • Please review all data (name and address) before completing the registration process. Please remember that no refunds or any type of changes can be made after receipt emission.

Registration to the Congress includes the assistance of thematic panels, communications (Oral or Poster), the two-day congress lunch and coffee breaks.

Payment options

  • National participants: ATM / Serviços Académicos do Instituto Piaget de Viseu
  • International participants:  Bank Transfer (Mandatory submission of proof to email

International Congress of Health and Well-Being Intervention

Taxas de registoRegisto na 1.ª Fase
(até 21 de abril)
Registo na 2.ª Fase
(antes de 14 de maio)
Registo na 3.ª Fase
(até ao dia do evento)
Profissionais e público em geral90 €120 €150 €
Alunos de Mestrado e Doutoramento* / Antigos alunos do Instituto Piaget / Instituto Piaget: Professores, Colaboradores e Orientadores70 €100 €130 €
Estudantes de licenciatura (BSc) e recém-formados (até 1 ano) *35 €50 €70 €
Estudantes e recém-licenciados (até 1 ano) do Instituto Piaget e pessoas com deficiência*30 €40 €50 €
Jantar social25 €

* by sending proof to 

Registration Form

You can make your registry in the Inforestudante portal.

Those who do not yet have an Inforestudante user, must first register as a new user (this also applies to teachers who must register with a personal e-mail/not Piaget).

Those who already have a registration in Inforestudante (students, alumni and public participating in previous events), can register through the Applications Menu, Degrees tab, and click at the bottom on “New Application” of Applications – Other regimes.