Welcome to the International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention (ICHWBI 2019)

RECI (Research in Education and Community Intervention) and the Jean Piaget Health School (ESS) – Viseu, promoted an International Congress under the “Intervention in Health and Well-being” at the University Campus of Viseu of the Piaget Institute, on May 31 and June 1, 2019.

The Congress intended to contribute to the discussion of current and emerging issues related to the health and well-being of the population and to count on the participation of researchers and professionals from different areas of practice and training.

At the end of the two days of the Congress, the two days of knowledge sharing, discussion of approaches and deepening of ideas.

The first day began by establishing the bridge for health and well-being assessment and intervention. It followed the approach to reality in health 2030, with former health minister Adalberto Campos Fernandes. Health education was discussed from the perspective of physical activity and rehabilitation, care and prevention.

On the second and last day, we got into the aging approach and interventions in an increasingly aging population and ended with humane care.

At the beginning and end of day 1 and at the beginning of day 2, we were able to see the most current research and intervention in health and well-being, with the presentation of around 178 posters and about 69 oral communications.

The remarkable success of the First International Congress “Intervention in Health and Welfare” held in Viseu on May 31st and June 1st, where the number of participants exceeded expectations with more than 3 hundred participants from Europe and several CPLP countries, and where the high organizational and scientific level was expressed by the participants.

Download Congress Proceedings


Scientific committee

  • Zaida Azeredo (President), RECI and ESS Jean Piaget, Viseu, Portugal
  • Abel Figueiredo, ESEV – IPV, Viseu, Portugal
  • Ágata Vieira, ESS, Instituto Politécnico do Porto and ESS Jean Piaget, Porto, Portugal
  • Ana Ferreira, RECI and ISEIT, Viseu, Portugal
  • Beatriz Minghelli, RECI and ESS Jean Piaget, Silves, Portugal
  • Carlos Laranjeira, RECI and ESS Jean Piaget, Viseu, Portugal
  • Carlos Simões, RECI and ISSSB, U. Lusíada, Beja, Portugal
  • Carlos Tavares, ESS Jean Piaget, Viseu, Portugal
  • Catarina Martins, ESE. IPP, Porto, Portugal
  • Elisângela Pessoa, CIAUD, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Ernesto Filgueiras, UBI, Covilhã, Portugal
  • Isabel Silva, RECI and ISEIT, Viseu, Portugal
  • João Borges Lopes, RECI and ISEIT, Viseu, Portugal
  • Joaquim Antunes, ESTG.IPV, Viseu, Portugal
  • Lia Araújo, ESEV.IPV and CINTESIS.UP, Viseu, Portugal
  • Magda Guerra, RECI and ESS Jean Piaget, Viseu, Portugal
  • Maria Helena Chéu, RECI and ISEIT, Viseu, Portugal
  • Maria João Amante, ESE.IPV, Viseu, Portugal
  • Maria João Oliveira, RECI, Gaia, Portugal
  • Miguel Fernandes, RECI and CIDESD-UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal
  • Neide Feijó, RECI and ESS Jean Piaget, Gaia, Portugal
  • Nuno Carvalho, ESS Jean Piaget, Viseu, Portugal
  • Orquidea Campos, RECI and ESS Jean Piaget, Viseu, Portugal
  • Paulo Alves, RECI and ISEIT, Viseu, Portugal
  • Providência Marinheiro, ESS Jean Piaget, Viseu, Portugal
  • Rita Barros, RECI and ESS Jean Piaget, Gaia, Portugal
  • Rosa Martins, ESS.IPV, Viseu, Portugal
  • Samuel Honório, RECI and IPCB, Castelo Branco, Portugal
  • Sandra Gagulic, RECI and ESS Jean Piaget, Viseu, Portugal
  • Silvia Silva, RECI and U. Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal
  • Sofia Fraga Almeida, U. Católica and USF Alves Martins, Viseu, Portugal
  • Sónia Lopes, RECI and ESS Jean Piaget, Gaia, Portugal
  • Ximene Rego, RECI and APDES, Gaia, Portugal

Organizing committee — School of Health Sciences Jean Piaget of Viseu

  • Gustavo Desouzart (President)
  • Ana Margarida Caldeira
  • Carlos Laranjeira
  • Lúcia Pereira
  • Magda Guerra
  • Nuno Carvalho
  • Providência Marinheiro
  • Sandra Gagulic
  • Susana Barata


  • Adalberto Campos Fernandes – Ex-Ministro da Saúde
  • João Paulo Rebelo – Secretário de Estado da Juventude e do Desporto
  • D. António Luciano dos Santos Costa – Bispo de Viseu
  • José Calvo Arenillas – Fisiatra, Universidad Salamanca – Espanha
  • Leo Pas – Advisor RECI – Médico, Catholic University Leuven, EUROPREV — Bélgica
  • Carina Dantas – Cáritas de Coimbra, Main Coordinator of group D4 – Age-friendly Building, Cities and Environments of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing – Portugal
  • Ema Monteiro – Nutricionista, Pharma Nord – Portugal
  • Ermelinda Afonso – Técnica Superior de Desporto, Camara Municipal de Viseu – Portugal
  • Isabel Dias – Socióloga, Departamento de Sociologia da Faculdade de letras da Universidade do Porto
  • João Apóstolo – Enfermeiro, ESEnf Coimbra – Portugal
  • Ricardo Pocinho – Presidente da Associação Nacional de Gerontologia Social – Portugal
  • Rogério Rodrigues – Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra, Portugal

Piaget International Week

  • Silvia de Toledo Silva – Faculdade Piaget – Brazil
  • Marta Leyton Román – Universidad Rey Juan Carlos – Spain
  • Maria Sandra da Piedade Malonda Goma Teixeira – Instituto Superior Politécnico Jean Piaget (Benguela) – Angola
  • Michel Pillu – École D`Assas – France
  • Fernandes Manuel – Instituto de Ciências Penitenciárias | UniPiaget – Angola
  • Gylce Eloisa Cabreira Panitz Cruz – Universidade Federal de São João Del-Rei – Brazil
  • José Ignacio Calvo Arenillas – University of Salamanca – Spain
  • Carlos Manuel Sousa Albuquerque – ESSViseu Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Portugal


Institucional Sponsor

C. M. Viseu


Pharma Nord