
Welcome to the International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention

The Book of Abstracts of the 3rd ICHWBI2023 is now available.

The City of Viseu, Portugal, will host on May 25, 26 and 27, 2023, the 3rd International Congress under the “Intervention in Health and Well-being – Health and Well-being in the Life cycle” (ICHWBI), at the University Campus of the Piaget Institute in Viseu, organized by RECI, KinesioLab, LabEST and the ESS Jean Piaget and ISEIT – Viseu and the 2nd International Conference on Human Kinesiology (ICOHK).

The Congress intends to contribute to the discussion of current and emerging issues related to the health and well-being of the population and to count on the participation of researchers and professionals from different areas of practice and training.


Francisco George, Francisco George, Ex. Diretor-Geral da Saúde
Cristina Vaz Almeida, Presidente da Sociedade Portuguesa de Literacia em Saúde
Lígia dos Reis Bellaguarda, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Renata Willig, Instituto Piaget
Filipe Charters de Azevedo, Safe-Crop
António Reis, Diretor do Serviço de Pneumologia do CHTV, Portugal
Filipe Silva, i3S – Presidente da European Association for Cancer Education
Pedro Sánchez Miguel, Universidad Extremadura
Sara Josefina Sampaio, Termas da Felgueira
Diana Castro, Membro da direção APDES
Cristina Quadros, Ex-presidente OPPcentro
Leonardo Machado, Fisioterapia – Health Business Mentoring
Priscila Marconcin, Instituto Piaget
Susana Fonseca, Diretora da Associação ZERO


  • Reflect on the challenges posed to the health and well-being of the population;
  • Create a space for dialogue that will allow the exchange of experiences between professionals from various areas of intervention and from different regions;
  • Sharing new technologies, techniques and processes among academics, professionals and other health stakeholders;
  • Promote a multidisciplinary view on health intervention and the role to be played by the various sectors of society;
  • Sharing new knowledge and allowing others to be updated;
  • Disseminate research projects and results in health and well-being;
  • Promote the debate on the health situation in the country and its dimensions related to the intervention of the different professions;
  • Approach partners from different regions to reflect professional experiences and share research results.


The program of the meeting is subordinated, as usual, to 3 main areas of research:

  • Health
  • Well-Being
  • Sustainable Development

Congress themes

  • Physical exercise for health promotion throughout the life cycle
  • Human functionality as a value in sustainable Health
  • Education for sustainable development in health and well-being
  • Equity and social justice in health sustainability
  • Psychosocial adaptation and sustainability in health care
  • Prevention of Health and Well-Being Risks
  • Sustainable health management
  • Technologies in health

Abstract publication

  • Title:  Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of Health and Well-Being Intervention – ICHWBI2023
  • Edition: Revista Germinare
  • ISSN: 2795-4277

Best works publication

  • Title:  3rd ICHWBI Special Edition
  • Journal: Revista Germinare
  • ISSN: 2795-4277

Oficial language

Portuguese and English