Rules for abstract submission

To share your ideas, research and experiences on health and wellness, contributing to the development of practice, education and research, we would like to invite you to participate in this scientific event.

Abstracts should be submitted in English or Portuguese and can be presented at the congress in these 2 languages.

Abstracts will be published in the E-book with ISSN published by Revista Germinare.


The program of the meeting is subordinated, as usual, to 3 main areas of research:

  • Saúde
  • Bem-estar
  • Desenvolvimento Sustentável

Congress themes

  • Physical exercise for health promotion throughout the life cycle
  • Human functionality as a value in sustainable Health
  • Education for sustainable development in health and well-being
  • Equity and social justice in health sustainability
  • Psychosocial adaptation and sustainability in health care
  • Prevention of Health and Well-Being Risks
  • Sustainable health management
  • Technologies in health

Abstracts submission

  • Abstracts should be submitted in English (UK) or Portuguese (PT);
  • Guidelines for abstract preparation can be found at Template_abstract Health-and-Well-Being-Congress2023;
  • The abstracts must be original in content and structured as follows: Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions;
  • The abstracts must have a maximum of 250 words;
  • 3 to 5 bibliographic references – APA Style 7th edition;
  • To be completed and sent in Word format, using the Submission Form of available abstracts, 1.15 spaces, in black, font “Calibri”, size 12 with margins of 2,5 cm (bottom, top, left and right);
  • All abstracts received will be submitted to peer review;
  • Authors are responsible for the content of their presentations;
  • One of the authors must be the speaker of the communication (please indicate on submission), and must be formally registered (Registration form) until the March 26, 2023;
  • The author submitting the abstract must declare (on behalf of all authors) the originality of the abstract and authorize the publication of the abstract in Revista Germinare;
  • Each author can only submit at most two communications (oral and / or poster).

Oral ou Poster Presentations