Call for Papers

The University Campus of Viseu of the Piaget Institute – Portugal, will host the 3rd International Congress on “Intervention in Health and Well-being — Health, Well-being and Sustainable Development” (ICHWBI), on May 25, 26 and 27, 2023.

This congress is organized by the Research Units of Piaget Institute (RECI, KinesioLab and LabEST) in association to the ESS Jean Piaget/Viseu and ISEIT/Viseu.

The organising committee invites the participation and submission of abstracts. 

Important Deadlines

Abstract Submission Requirements & Deadlines

Abstract LengthDeadline for Abstract ReceiptNotification of Review Outcome

ICHWBI submission
250 words10th of March 202314th of April 2023

Abstract Submission

You can submit your abstract at

Abstract publication

  • Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of Health and Well-Being Intervention – ICHWBI2021
  • Edition: Revista Germinare
  • ISSN: 2795-4277

Best works publication

  • Title: 3rd ICHWBI Special Edition
  • Journal: Revista Germinare
  • ISSN: 2795-4277

Please feel free to participate and submit your abstracts via Germinare.

Guidelines for authors

Important Note: When sending, do not include information about authors (names and affiliations) in the files to be sent, as they will be peer reviewed.

Your participation can take one of the following formats:

  • Oral communication (template)
    • Authors should indicate under which of the proposed topics their communication is integrated;
    • The Scientific Committee of the Congress may suggest topic change;
    • This format is limited to 7 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for discussion.
  • Poster presentation (template)
    • Authors should indicate under which of the proposed topics their communications is integrated;
    • The Scientific Committee of the Congress may suggest topic change;
    • Posters will be displayed in Printed Poster format (A1 size 841 mm high x 594 mm wide) and available for questions at the appropriate time;


  • A special award will be given to the best oral communication (please apply when registering);
  • A special award will be given to the best poster communication (please apply when registering).


  • A certificate will be issued for all the presented communications;
  • Presentation certificates will be conferred to the speaker of the communication/poster.
  • Requests asking for the change of the “presenting author” will only be considered until the May 07, 2023.


  • At least one of the authors of the accepted work must be officially registered and pay for the registration until April 10, 2023;
  • If payment of the registration is not made within the stipulated deadline, the communication will be eliminated from the program and publication;
  • The best oral communication and the best poster will receive awards.